Title 1 Preschool Information:
- Title 1 Preschool is Designed for children who are 3-4 years old on or before September 1 of the given school year.
- There is no fee for Title 1 Preschool for eligible students.
- 4 yr. old’s attend 5 days a week, Monday – Friday
- 3 yr. old’s attend 2 days a week, Tuesday & Thursday or Wednesday & Friday.
Title 1 Preschool Eligibility:
- Child must live within the boundary of Cascade Elementary School.
- Interested parents will need to bring their child’s birth certificate, immunizations and proof of residency (utility bill, rental or mortgage agreement with guardian name/address) to Cascade Elementary School.
- Based on documentation provided, parents will register their child online at: alpineschools.org/registration-enrollment
- Child will be given an assessment time. Parents are required to attend the assessment.
- Early testing will begin in May. Additional testing will be in August before school starts.
- Title 1 Preschool spots will be offered to children based on assessment