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School Community Council

A school community council is a committee made up of parents and school professionals who help determine the needs of our school and the best methods and programs to support those needs through the School Land Trust Program. Members of the school community council will meet together approximately 5-6 times during the school year to discuss the schools needs, the School Land Trust plan, and its implementation.

Community Council Members

Community Council Chair:

Alina Worthen
[email protected]

Community Council Vice Chair/Teacher Rep:

Kira Frost
 [email protected]


Darrin Johnson
[email protected]

Parent Members:

Thomas Throley
[email protected]

Anna Greene
[email protected]

Lauren Brewer
[email protected]


Public Reports

Cascade School Reports


Sep 25, 2024 – 10am
Oct 23, 2024 – 10am
Nov 22, 2024- 10am
Dec 13, 2024- 10am
Jan 24, 2025- 10am
Feb 28, 2025- 10am
Mar 28, 2025- 10am

Recent Meeting Minutes

February 28, 2025 SCC Meeting


Attendance: Darrin Johnson, Anna Greene, Lauren Brewer, Tom Thorley, Amy Seastrand

Discussion of MOY academic growth data- Kindergarten is doing amazing! 76% are on grade level in kindergarten! They had a WIDA test party to celebrate. We have a great ML aide. 

Review, finalize, and vote on completed 2025-2026 plan for March 28th submission- Darrin is still working through the budgets for next year so we can finalize our SCC plan for next year. We’re losing 2 FTE’s next year, unless Darrin can buy one extra FTE. We plan to move forward with goals for literacy for next year. We have district math specialists working with 1st and 3rd grade teachers on math training to help those students. SCC will help pay for the supplemental booklets for Wonders.

Review Trustlands 10% overage- In the future if we have more than 10% over they will take and keep the excess. 

TSSA Funds- Darrin would like to take TSSA funds and purchase new iPads for teachers. Then he would like to take the teachers old iPads and give them to 1st grade. Next year we will have split class for the DLI 4th and 5th grades. We have to go down another FTE for 6th grade, so Darrin would like to use TSSA funds to pay for an additional teacher for 6th grade so we won’t have a DLI class of 37 students.

Trustlands aides- We are having difficulty getting aides because we aren’t Title 1 and pay $3 less an hour than the Title 1 schools. We have a lot of Title 1 schools nearby, so we are competing with that. We will do a journal entry to add additional funding to pay for aides.

New Wonders program next year- the new Wonders program has a heavy technology component and new ipads will be very helpful. Wonders will be Tier 1 instruction. 95% will be Tier 2 instruction.

Art and Latino Culture Night- March 13th from 5:30-7:00pm. Debbie Velasquez has been spearheading this project. About 30% of our population is Latino. We want to celebrate their culture and bring the community together. We’ll be learning about approximately 20 countries. She has found 12 families who are native to specific countries and they will present and have snacks from their country. There will be a mariachi band in the gym. The school will be an international airport for the night. The kids are going to have personalized passports with their photos. They’ll pretend they’re visiting different countries and get passport stamps. We’ll have extra passports for siblings.