Teacher Appreciation Week
March 17-21, 2025
If you have signed up to make and bring a poster for a teacher or staff member, thank you! The poster should be made on a standard 22 x 28-inch poster board. Please create the poster at home and bring it to the school between 3:30 and 4:30 PM on Friday, March 14th.
We will be at the front entrance, letting people in and checking off teacher names to ensure each teacher receives one. If you would like to sign up to make a poster, click here.
Teacher Appreciation Breakfast Buffet
On Monday, we will be providing teachers with an appreciation breakfast buffet, just like last year.
🥞 If you can donate a food item, please scan the QR code and sign up. You can drop off food items either on Friday after school (to be stored in the faculty lounge over the weekend) or at 7:00 AM on Monday, March 17th.
Teacher Appreciation Week Schedule
📅 Monday – Have your child bring one of their teacher’s favorite things from their list.
🌸 Tuesday – Have your child bring their teacher a favorite flower.
✏️ Wednesday – Have your child bring their teacher a needed supply from the list.
👕 Thursday – Have your child wear their teacher’s favorite color.
💌 Friday – Please send a note of appreciation to your child’s teacher.