Darrin Johnson, Alina Worthen, Lauren Brewer, Anna Greene, Emily Peterson (board member), Tom Thorley, Kira Frost
- Review and confirm stakeholder report (due Jan 31st)
- Darrin gave us a draft of the 2023-2024 Stakeholder Report. There are a few things that need to be updated.
- We went through the draft and edited it and asked questions.
- One question was about growth versus proficiency. The goal was for 60% growth but the pie charts show proficiency.
- We lost Title 1 funding this year. This impacted how many aides we can have and how many people even wanted to apply for aide jobs. It also impacted the ML program.
- Review and confirm final trustlands report (due Jan 31st)
- Review year-to-date budget, make amendments if needed
- No amendments needed.
- Brainstorm 2025-2026 academic needs for trust plan funds
- SCC Budget for next school year $133,456.00.
- Discussion about if the goal should remain the same or change.
- Should it remain 60% of students make typical or better growth or should we increase that number or measure something else.
- How can we best support those students who are not meeting typical or better growth?
- How is our DLI program doing?
- We have 45 applicants for next year.
- We have 62 students in the 1st grade DLI.
- There are 27/28 in each DLI class in 2nd grade.
- The program is finally growing again after being hit hard by COVID.
- There has been a significant number of students who were zoned for Sharon who have joined the DLI program.
- The biggest problem is an issue with the teacher at the junior high.
- Taking the AP test in 9th grade can be discouraging for some students because it’s so difficult to pass at that point.
- Discuss Chinese New Year and Latin Culture Night
- Chinese New Year Festival
- Math and Art Night has been changed to Art and Latin Culture Night.
- SCC Elections are next year and we are all finished with our terms.
- How can we educate people more about SCC so we can get people interested in running for SCC?
- Encourage parents to contact legislators to keep income tax and fund schools and fund mandates the legislature gives.