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December 15, 2023

By Weekly Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Our Christmas sing for parents to come watch will be on December 20th . You can attend either at 8:30am or 1:00pm in the gym.

School is dismissed at 2:15pm. Please pick up your children no later than 2:30pm. When in the pick up zone please drive slowly and carefully. In this zone it is important to not be distracted by our cell phones. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

We do have a boys and girls club that meets here after school. They meet in the gym from 2:30-5:30 daily. If you would be interested the English Registration Links:

Boys/Girls Club Registration (English)

Boys/Girls Club Registration (Spanish)


  • December 18 Chinese Immersion 2024-2025 online application opens:  Chinese Immersion Online Application Information
  • December 20 8:30 am and 1:00 pm Christmas Sing (parents welcome)
  • December 21 Last day of 2nd term. Pajama Day
  • December 21 Minimal Day 8:00 am-11:30 am
  • December 22 Teacher Work Day (no school for students)
  • December 25-January 8 Winter Break (no school)
  • January 19 S.T.E.M. fair Forms and Projects due by 2:15 pm
  • January 22 Science Fair Projects on display for parents to come and see from 12:00-2:00 pm

Here is the link to apply for free and reduced lunch. We encourage all patrons to apply:  Free and Reduced meal application

December 8, 2023

By Weekly Newsletter

Dear Parents,
Our Chinese DLI applications for next year are now live. If you are interested in being in our DLI program please fill out the application. In January we will hold our lottery for positions for next year. If you have family
and friends who may be interested as well please share this link with them.
2024-25 Chinese Immersion Information

Please take a moment to fill out the free and reduced lunch application. Our school has received extra funding this year based on our needs. We are a Title 1 school. Title 1 status is determined by our lunch counts. Even if you don’t think you qualify please look at the application.
Free and Reduced meal application

Dear Parents,

Did you know you can excuse your children’s attendance online? Please use the following link Skyward Absence Instruction to learn how to do this!!
How to excuse student’s attendance online tutorial
Un tutorial de cómo justificar la asistencia de su alumno en línea


  • December 11-14 PTA FunDrive- Drop off clothing/textiles
  • December 13 Santa Photos – Parents with Toddlers are welcome to attend for a picture.
  • December 14 Acadience Testing K-3 Please have your child to school on time. This is our reading assessment and gives us information to help your kids learn to read.
  • December 18 Chinese Immersion 2024-2025 online application opens
  • December 20 8:30 am and 1:00 pm Christmas Sing (parents welcome)
  • December 21 Last day of 2nd term. Pajama Day
  • December 21 Minimal Day (No half-day K or preschool) School lets out at 11:30
  • December 22 Teacher Work Day (no school for students)
  • December 25-January 8 Winter Break (no school)
  • January 19 S.T.E.M. fair Forms and Projects due by 2:15 pm
  • January 22 Science Fair 12:00-2:00 pm

December 1, 2023

By Weekly Newsletter

Dear Parents,

The month of December is fast upon us. This is a great time to spend time with family and to look for ways to help our neighbors out. During the next few weeks we will be hosting some fun activities that are both ways to help in our community and for ways to celebrate this time of year. As a school we appreciate the kind ways you as parents interact with each of us. During this time of year please take a moment to talk with your kids about the importance of kindness challenge them to look for ways to be kind to their fellow classmates. If each of our students looks for the best in others and look for ways to make new friends our school will be a better place to be.

Please take a moment to fill out the free and reduced lunch application. Our school has received extra funding this year based on our needs. We are a Title 1 school. Title 1 status is determined by our lunch counts. Even if you don’t think you qualify please look at the application.

School Breakfast/Lunch – Please complete a free/reduced lunch application each year

You can see menus and apply for free/reduced lunch by clicking here. We encourage every family to complete a free/reduced lunch application each year. Free/reduced lunch numbers largely determine federal school funding, and many families are surprised that they qualify for free or reduced lunch (there are more factors than just your income). You must apply each year. You can also pick up a paper form at our office.

Breakfast 8:55-9:10

Lunch 11:55-12:55 (start and end varies according to grade)

As a reminder please only make right hand turns at the intersection of 200 North and 800 East. When a car makes a left hand turn during drop off times the result is a long backup for everyone. As a quick reminder here are our parking lot etiquette guidelines.

  •  Slow down while at school
  •  Put your cell phones off
  •  Be courteous of others
  •  Always watch for kids
  •  Pull forward

Thank you for your help and cooperation in this area.


December 4-8 Canned food drive

December 11-14 PTA Fundrive – Drop off old clothing

December 13 Santa Photos

December 14 Acadience Testing – Please have your child to school on time. This is our reading assessment and gives us information to help your kids learn to read.

December 20 8:30 am and 1:00 pm Christmas Sing (parents welcome)

December 21: Last day of 2nd term/1st semester

December 21: Minimal Day – Students attend 8:00 – 11:30 am

December 22: Teacher Work Day (no school for students)

December 25-January 8: Winter Break (no school)

November 3, 2023

By Weekly Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Our art teacher is looking for donations of DVDs and CDs, used or new, that families have at home or work and no longer want to store. These will be used for a future art project. They can be dropped off at the front office labeled Art Room or Mrs. Howard.

Parents we are noticing that people are starting to turn left at the intersection of 200 North and 800 East. At this intersection we ask that only right turns be made. This is causing a backup for everyone. For everyone that is turning right we want to say thank you. As a quick reminder here are our parking lot etiquite guidlines.

  • Slow down while at school
  • Put your cell phones off
  • Be courteous of others
  • Always watch for kids
  • Pull forward

Thank you for your help and cooperation in this area.

Upcoming events at Cascade:

  • Tuesday, November 7 – Picture Make-up Dauy
  • Thursday, November 9 at 9 am – 6th Grade Eggstronaut Egg Drop
  • Friday, November 10th Veterans Day

October 27, 2023

By Weekly Newsletter

Dear Parents,

  • Our Halloween Parade will start at 8:30 on Tuesday
  • Families are invited to watch the parade on the back playground of the school
  • Please send students to school in their costumes ready to go
  • Face paint should be simple
  • No props that portray violence or weapons are allowed
  • Costumes must follow school dress code

Picture Make-up day is Tuesday, November 7th

The PTA annual fundrive clothing drive starts on November 6th and runs through November 10th

October 18, 2023

By Weekly Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Upcoming Calendar:

Fall Break is Thursday and Friday, October 19-20. On Monday, October 23 we have a teacher professional development day. There will be no school on these days

All students at Cascade Elementary are highly encouraged to participate in the STEM fair. K-4 grade students will receive fun prizes and certificates. Twenty students in grades 5-6 will move on to the district-level competition.To participate, fill out this form and return it to Mrs. Wold (6th-grade teacher) in room 146. Reach out to Mrs. Wold with any questions. She is happy to spend time after school helping students conduct experiments, create their science journals and lab write-ups, or finish posters.

2023-24 STEM Science Fair Applications, Rules, etc.

This year we are a Title 1 Target assist school. This has brought additional services to our school.  Schools are designated as a Title 1 School based on Free and Reduced school wide percentages.  We are encouraging all families to take a moment and look at the Free and Reduced application. The application can be found on the Alpine School District web-page under nutrition services or by typing in the following link.

Free & Reduced Meals – Online Application 

We have received updated guidelines for volunteers and background checks. We are required to have all of our volunteers receive a background check. These are considered a lifetime ASD background check. The cost is $35 and takes about 10 days. We are looking at ways to possibly help with the fee for those who need the financial help. You can go here to schedule an appointment for fingerprinting:

Alpine School District Fingerprinting

October 13, 2023

By Weekly Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Upcoming Calendar:

Fall Break is Thursday and Friday, October 19-20. On Monday, October 23 we have a teacher professional development day. There will be no school on these days

This year we are a Title 1 Target assist school. This has brought additional services to our school.  Schools are designated as a Title 1 School based on Free and Reduced school wide percentages.  We are encouraging all families to take a moment and look at the Free and Reduced application. The application can be found on the Alpine School District web-page under nutrition services or by typing in the following link.

Free & Reduced Meals – Online Application 

All students at Cascade Elementary are highly encouraged to participate in the STEM fair. K-4 grade students will receive fun prizes and certificates. Twenty students in grades 5-6 will move on to the district-level competition.To participate, fill out this form and return it to Mrs. Wold (6th-grade teacher) in room 146. Reach out to Mrs. Wold with any questions. She is happy to spend time after school helping students conduct experiments, create their science journals and lab write-ups, or finish posters.

2023-24 STEM Science Fair Applications, Rules, etc.

We have received updated guidelines for volunteers and background checks. We are required to have all of our volunteers receive a background check. These are considered a lifetime ASD background check. The cost is $35 and takes about 10 days. We are looking at ways to possibly help with the fee for those who need the financial help. You can go here to schedule an appointment for fingerprinting:

Alpine School District Fingerprinting

September 29, 2023

By Weekly Newsletter

Upcoming Calendar:

During the week of October 2nd we will be having our Fall Parent Teacher Conferences.  Your child’s teachers have been setting up the times for these conferences.  If you have not yet received a time please contact your childs teacher.

Our book fair will be running during the week of October 2nd.  Please stop by and look at the great books our librarian has selected for this event.

Book Fair Shopping Online

Friday, October 6th – Teacher Workday – No school

The PTA Cougar Fest will be held this year on October 12th starting at 5:30 p.m.

Courgar Fest Information

Please be mindful of our handicap parking. These are set up for people who have handicap stickers.  These are not for convenience but for those in need.

We have a few Aide positions available.  They are everyday, will include safety supervision, working with kids.  Times are 3 to 5 hours per day.  Must have either an associates degree or be able to pass the parapraxis exam.

Apply online at Alpine school district

The State PTA has asked that each school PTA create their own Facebook accounts.  To follow the Cascade PTA Facebook please click on the link provided in the email.

Cascade Elementary PTA Facebook page

To join the Cascade Elementary Instagram Please click on the link provided in the email as well.

Cascade Elementary PTA Instagram Page

Cascade 512 Weekend Meals

We have about 50 weekend meals available.  They come with non-perishable items that your students can use for snacks and meals throughout the weekend.  This is a first come, first serve until we get approved for more meals.  Please only sign up if you could really use it.

 Weekend Meals Sign-up

The Boys and Girls Club is now accepting additional applications for more students to attend. Attached to this email is additional information on how to register for Boys and Girls Club.

Save the date!  Battle of the book competitions will be on February 26th for 3-4th grade and February 12th for 5-6th grade.

Students are starting to have fun reading the books.  The teachers have formed teams to have a competition with the students.

September 22, 2023

By Weekly Newsletter

pcoming Calendar:

During the week of October 2nd we will be having our Fall Parent Teacher Conferences.  Your child’s teachers have been setting up the times for these conferences.  If you have not yet recieved a time please contact your childs teacher.

Our book fair will be running during the week of October 2nd.  Please stop by and look at the great books our librarian has selected for this event.

The PTA Cougar Fest will be held this year on October 12th starting at 5:30 p.m.  More information will be coming soon.

Please be mindful of our handcap parking. These are set up for people who have handcap stickers.  These are not for convenience but for those in need.

We have a few Aide positions available.  They are everyday, will include safety supervision, working with kids.  Times are 3 to 5 hours per day.  Must have either an associates degree or be able to pass the parapraxis exam.

Apply online at Alpine school district.

The State PTA has asked that each school PTA create their own Facebook accounts.  To follow the Cascade PTA Facebook please click on the link provided in the email.

Cascade Elementary PTA Facebook page

To join the Cascade Elementary Instagram Please click on the link provided in the email as well.

Cascade Elementary PTA Instagram Page

Cascade 512 Weekend Meals

We have about 50 weekend meals available.  They come with non-perishable items that your students can use for snacks and meals throughout the weekend.  This is a first come, first serve until we get approved for more meals.  Please only sign up if you could really use it.

 Weekend Meals Sign-up

The Boys and Girls Club is now accepting additional aplications for more students to attend. Attached to this email is additional information on how to register for Boys and Girls Club.

Save the date!  Battle of the book competitions will be on February 26th for 3-4th grade and February 12th for 5-6th grade.

Students are starting to have fun reading the books.  The teachers have formed teams to have a competition with the students.

September 15, 2023

By Weekly Newsletter

Upcoming Calendar:

Monday September 18, Acadience Testing for grades 1st graders for Math, and 4th adn 6th graders for literacy.

Wednesday September 20, 5th Grade Acadience Testing for Literacy.

Wednesday September 20th School Picture Day.

We have a few Aide positions available. They are everyday, will include safety supervision, working with kids. Times are 3 to 5 hours per day. Must have either an associates degree or be able to pass the parapraxis exam.

Apply online at Alpine school district.

Cascade 512 Weekend Meals

We have about 50 weekend meals available. They come with non-perishable items that your students can use for snacks and meals throughout the weekend. This is a first come, first serve until we get approved for more meals. Please only sign up if you could really use it.


The Boys and Girls Club is now accepting additional aplications for more students to attend. Attached to this email is additional information on how to register for Boys and Girls Club.