Current and upcoming events. Additional information is on the attached fliers, the school website and our school Facebook page.
Congratulations to our Knowledge Bowl Teams. We had three teams compete in each division this year. In both divisions Cascade 1 and Cascade 2 two placed in the Top Ten district wide. The divisions were 3rd and 4th graders and 5th and 6th graders.

Camden Embley, Sammy Dean, Benjamin Richards, Evelyn Andersen, Justin Bao, Nicholas Henriquez, Zeke Sakar, Naomi Ward, Tainui Taoho, Aaron Young, Port McCord, Lincoln Behling, Miriam Gubler, Jeanette Aulava, Kyler Bonney, Harrison Hunter, Aurora Baldemar, Alice Christiansen, Helen Fang, Ava Dale

Avelyn Dean, Rose Richards, Lucy Sipherd, Virgil Draper, Charlotte Ostler, Grace Ferrel, Michael Gubler, Jocelyn Behring, Jessie Bradley, Alice Ebert, Ellie Thomson, Canyon Hoover, Amelia Findlay, Flynn McCord, Tregan Ghent, Sebastian Schill, Holden Hunter, Magnus Krumwiede, Kanoe Chantry

We had three of our students who placed in the Regional STEM Fair. The Regional STEM Fair is the equivelant to State. Three of our students placed at this Fair. Congratulations to Jay Shelley, Amanda Wikle and Macie Thorne
Recently we completed our Chinese Immersion lottery. We have extended invitations to all those who were interested in joining our immersion program. At this point we have a few openings for next year. If you are interested in this program please reach out to Mr. Johnson. If you know of someone who would be interested in participating let them know as well. These few openings will be filled on a first come basis.
Ways to help bring extra funds to Cascade:
For those who shop at Smith’s they contribute a percentage of your purchases to the school. Below is the link to sign up.
Money from Box Tops Donors Choose will be used to fund Teacher Grants through the PTA starting next year
Box tops for education is another way to contribute to the school using items you purchase.