Dear Parents,
The month of December is fast upon us. This is a great time to spend time with family and to look for ways to help our neighbors out. During the next few weeks we will be hosting some fun activities that are both ways to help in our community and for ways to celebrate this time of year. As a school we appreciate the kind ways you as parents interact with each of us. During this time of year please take a moment to talk with your kids about the importance of kindness challenge them to look for ways to be kind to their fellow classmates. If each of our students looks for the best in others and look for ways to make new friends our school will be a better place to be.
Please take a moment to fill out the free and reduced lunch application. Our school has received extra funding this year based on our needs. We are a Title 1 school. Title 1 status is determined by our lunch counts. Even if you don’t think you qualify please look at the application.
School Breakfast/Lunch – Please complete a free/reduced lunch application each year
You can see menus and apply for free/reduced lunch by clicking here. We encourage every family to complete a free/reduced lunch application each year. Free/reduced lunch numbers largely determine federal school funding, and many families are surprised that they qualify for free or reduced lunch (there are more factors than just your income). You must apply each year. You can also pick up a paper form at our office.
Breakfast 8:55-9:10
Lunch 11:55-12:55 (start and end varies according to grade)
As a reminder please only make right hand turns at the intersection of 200 North and 800 East. When a car makes a left hand turn during drop off times the result is a long backup for everyone. As a quick reminder here are our parking lot etiquette guidelines.
- Slow down while at school
- Put your cell phones off
- Be courteous of others
- Always watch for kids
- Pull forward
Thank you for your help and cooperation in this area.
December 4-8 Canned food drive
December 11-14 PTA Fundrive – Drop off old clothing
December 13 Santa Photos
December 14 Acadience Testing – Please have your child to school on time. This is our reading assessment and gives us information to help your kids learn to read.
December 20 8:30 am and 1:00 pm Christmas Sing (parents welcome)
December 21: Last day of 2nd term/1st semester
December 21: Minimal Day – Students attend 8:00 – 11:30 am
December 22: Teacher Work Day (no school for students)
December 25-January 8: Winter Break (no school)