Dear Parents,
Our Christmas sing for parents to come watch will be on December 20th . You can attend either at 8:30am or 1:00pm in the gym.
School is dismissed at 2:15pm. Please pick up your children no later than 2:30pm. When in the pick up zone please drive slowly and carefully. In this zone it is important to not be distracted by our cell phones. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
We do have a boys and girls club that meets here after school. They meet in the gym from 2:30-5:30 daily. If you would be interested the English Registration Links:
Boys/Girls Club Registration (English)
Boys/Girls Club Registration (Spanish)
- December 18 Chinese Immersion 2024-2025 online application opens: Chinese Immersion Online Application Information
- December 20 8:30 am and 1:00 pm Christmas Sing (parents welcome)
- December 21 Last day of 2nd term. Pajama Day
- December 21 Minimal Day 8:00 am-11:30 am
- December 22 Teacher Work Day (no school for students)
- December 25-January 8 Winter Break (no school)
- January 19 S.T.E.M. fair Forms and Projects due by 2:15 pm
- January 22 Science Fair Projects on display for parents to come and see from 12:00-2:00 pm
Here is the link to apply for free and reduced lunch. We encourage all patrons to apply: Free and Reduced meal application