On March 15th and 16th our students will be performing the play Willy Wonka at Canyon View Jr. High. The perfomance times on each night are 5 pm and 6:30 pm. We hope that everyone is able to attend and enjoy the performance by our talented students.
On March 7th Orem City Police will be here during lunch to interact with our students. They will be handing out donuts during lunch to the entire student body. This is an event that helps to connect the students with our public service officers. It is intended to be a fun activity for all.
Kindergarten Registration for 2024-25 is now open! Please register at the following link:
Note: Kindergarten is now all day at all Elementary Schools in Alpine School District. At this time, we are not accepting any out of area students.
March 6 Spring Picture Day
March 7 Cops and Donuts
March 8 Yearbook Theme Page Contest Due
March 15-16 Willy Wonka Play at Canyon View Jr. High
March 11-12 Professional Development/Teacher Work Day No School
March 19 PTA Meeting 9:30 AM
March 19 Math/Art Night 5:00-6:30 PM. This is a fun evening for our entire community. Students art work is hanging in the halls. Students and parents can play math games, look at art and enjoy a slice of pizza.