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March 2025

February 28, 2025 SCC Meeting


Attendance: Darrin Johnson, Anna Greene, Lauren Brewer, Tom Thorley, Amy Seastrand

Discussion of MOY academic growth data- Kindergarten is doing amazing! 76% are on grade level in kindergarten! They had a WIDA test party to celebrate. We have a great ML aide. 

Review, finalize, and vote on completed 2025-2026 plan for March 28th submission- Darrin is still working through the budgets for next year so we can finalize our SCC plan for next year. We’re losing 2 FTE’s next year, unless Darrin can buy one extra FTE. We plan to move forward with goals for literacy for next year. We have district math specialists working with 1st and 3rd grade teachers on math training to help those students. SCC will help pay for the supplemental booklets for Wonders.

Review Trustlands 10% overage- In the future if we have more than 10% over they will take and keep the excess. 

TSSA Funds- Darrin would like to take TSSA funds and purchase new iPads for teachers. Then he would like to take the teachers old iPads and give them to 1st grade. Next year we will have split class for the DLI 4th and 5th grades. We have to go down another FTE for 6th grade, so Darrin would like to use TSSA funds to pay for an additional teacher for 6th grade so we won’t have a DLI class of 37 students.

Trustlands aides- We are having difficulty getting aides because we aren’t Title 1 and pay $3 less an hour than the Title 1 schools. We have a lot of Title 1 schools nearby, so we are competing with that. We will do a journal entry to add additional funding to pay for aides.

New Wonders program next year- the new Wonders program has a heavy technology component and new ipads will be very helpful. Wonders will be Tier 1 instruction. 95% will be Tier 2 instruction.

Art and Latino Culture Night- March 13th from 5:30-7:00pm. Debbie Velasquez has been spearheading this project. About 30% of our population is Latino. We want to celebrate their culture and bring the community together. We’ll be learning about approximately 20 countries. She has found 12 families who are native to specific countries and they will present and have snacks from their country. There will be a mariachi band in the gym. The school will be an international airport for the night. The kids are going to have personalized passports with their photos. They’ll pretend they’re visiting different countries and get passport stamps. We’ll have extra passports for siblings.

February 28, 2025

By Weekly Newsletter

Upcoming dates


March 3 Spring Pictures
March 6 School Spirit Dress Up Day-Dr. Seuss
March 7 No School-Teacher Work Day
March 10 No School-Teacher Professional Development Day
March 13 Art and Latin Culture Night 5:30-7:00 pm
PTA’s clothing drive April 7-11. Drop off clothes and shoes at Cascade.

End of year Dates
May 20 Field Day
May 21 9 am 6th Grade Graduation
May 22 9 am Dance Festival
May 22 11 am 6th Grade Party
May 23 Last day of School

In March our school will be hosting our first Latin America Culture and Art Night. This evening will be filled with tasty food samples and cultural art and music. On this day we will be sending home with your child a Cascade Elementary Passport. This “passport” will be used throughout the night as a ticket to the various airport gates. Our “concourses” (halls) will be decorated as most airports are with art. We currently have over 850 resident Cascade Elementary artists artwork will be hanging on the walls. We are looking forward to sharing this evening with our entire community. The date is March 13th from 5:30-7:00.

In preparation for this event we will be asking for help making some of our decorations. One of these decorations is tissue flowers. Attached to this email is a simple tutorial on how to make them. We are encouraging people to try your hand at making these. The flowers can be brought to the school starting on Monday.

We have a few spaces open for our Chinese Dual Immersion program in first grade for nest year. If you are interested please fill out the application that is found in this link.

Kindergarten Registration for 2024-25 is now open! Please register at the

Following link:

Note: Kindergarten is now all day at all Elementary Schools in Alpine



Próximas fechas


3 de marzo Fotos de primavera
6 de marzo Día de disfraces con espíritu escolar – Dr. Seuss
7 de marzo No hay clases – Día de trabajo para maestros
10 de marzo No hay clases – Día de desarrollo profesional para maestros
13 de marzo Noche de arte y cultura latina 5:30-7:00 pm
Recolección de ropa de la PTA del 7 al 11 de abril. Deje la ropa y los zapatos en Cascade.

Fechas de fin de año
20 de mayo Día de campo
21 de mayo 9 am Graduación de 6.º grado
22 de mayo 9 am Festival de baile
22 de mayo 11 am Fiesta de 6.º grado
23 de mayo Último día de clases

En marzo, nuestra escuela organizará nuestra primera Noche de arte y cultura latinoamericana. Esta noche estará llena de sabrosas muestras de comida y arte y música cultural. En este día, enviaremos a casa con su hijo un Pasaporte de la escuela primaria Cascade. Este “pasaporte” se utilizará durante toda la noche como boleto para las distintas puertas del aeropuerto. Nuestros “vestíbulos” (pasillos) estarán decorados con arte, como la mayoría de los aeropuertos. Actualmente, tenemos más de 850 obras de arte de artistas residentes de la escuela primaria Cascade que estarán colgadas en las paredes. Esperamos compartir esta velada con toda nuestra comunidad. La fecha es el 13 de marzo de 5:30 a 7:00.

Para prepararnos para este evento, pediremos ayuda para hacer algunas de nuestras decoraciones. Una de estas decoraciones son flores de papel. Adjunto a este correo electrónico hay un tutorial sencillo sobre cómo hacerlas. Animamos a la gente a que intente hacerlas. Las flores se pueden llevar a la escuela a partir del lunes.

Tenemos algunos espacios disponibles para nuestro programa de inmersión dual en chino en primer grado para el próximo año. Si está interesado, complete la solicitud que se encuentra en este enlace.

¡Ya está abierta la inscripción para el jardín de infantes para el año escolar 2024-25! Regístrese en el

siguiente enlace:

Nota: El jardín de infantes ahora es de día completo en todas las escuelas primarias de Alpine