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November 15, 2024

By Weekly Newsletter

Upcoming events

Nov 18 Food Drive
Nov 25-Dec 19 Giving Tree
Nov 27-29 Thanksgiving Break
Dec 9 Santa Visit
Dec 19 Christmas Sing 9:00 am & 1:00 pm
Dec 20 Minimal Day 8:00-11:30 am

Dear Parents:

Next week we are having our annual canned food drive.  Students who wish to participate can bring thier items to their classroom at the start of the day. Each day we will gather and record items per class.  The lower grade and upper grade class that collects the most items will be awarded a donut party.  Please make sure all items donated have not expired.  Items that are in glass need to be avoided and no perishable food is accepted.

Here are a few things to think about with the food drive:

1. Supports Needs in the School Community
Provides food for students and families in the school who may be facing food insecurity.
Strengthens the bond within the school community by helping classmates and neighbors in need.

2. Assists Local Food Banks
Supplies local food banks with essential items to distribute to the broader community.
Helps food banks prepare for increased demand during holidays or challenging economic times.

3. Teaches the Value of Service
Encourages students to practice compassion, generosity, and social responsibility.
Demonstrates the importance of giving back to the community and helping others.

4. Fosters Teamwork and School Spirit
Brings students, staff, and families together to work toward a common goal.
Builds a sense of accomplishment and pride in contributing to a collective effort.


Próximos eventos

18 de noviembre: colecta de alimentos
25 de noviembre – 19 de diciembre: árbol de donaciones
27-29 de noviembre: vacaciones de Acción de Gracias
9 de diciembre: visita de Santa Claus
19 de diciembre: canto navideño 9:00 a. m. y 1:00 p. m.
20 de diciembre: día mínimo 8:00 a. m. – 11:30 a. m.

Estimados padres:

La semana que viene tendremos nuestra colecta anual de alimentos enlatados. Los estudiantes que deseen participar pueden traer sus artículos a su salón de clases al comienzo del día. Todos los días, reuniremos y registraremos los artículos por clase. La clase de grado inferior y superior que recolecte la mayor cantidad de artículos recibirá una fiesta de donas. Asegúrese de que todos los artículos donados no hayan vencido. Deben evitarse los artículos que están en envases de vidrio y no se aceptan alimentos perecederos.

A continuación, se incluyen algunas cosas para tener en cuenta con respecto a la colecta de alimentos:

1. Apoya las necesidades de la comunidad escolar
Proporciona alimentos a los estudiantes y las familias de la escuela que puedan enfrentar la inseguridad alimentaria.
Fortalece el vínculo dentro de la comunidad escolar al ayudar a los compañeros y vecinos necesitados.

2. Ayuda a los bancos de alimentos locales
Suministra a los bancos de alimentos locales artículos esenciales para distribuir a la comunidad en general.
Ayuda a los bancos de alimentos a prepararse para una mayor demanda durante las vacaciones o épocas económicas difíciles.

3. Enseña el valor del servicio
Anima a los estudiantes a practicar la compasión, la generosidad y la responsabilidad social.
Demuestra la importancia de retribuir a la comunidad y ayudar a los demás.

4. Fomenta el trabajo en equipo y el espíritu escolar
Reúne a los estudiantes, el personal y las familias para trabajar hacia un objetivo común.
Genera un sentido de logro y orgullo por contribuir a un esfuerzo colectivo.

November 8, 2024

By Weekly Newsletter


Nov 12 PTA Meeting 1:00 pm
Nov 18 Food Drive
Nov 25-Dec 19 Giving Tree
Nov 27-29 Thanksgiving Break
Dec 19 Christmas Sing 9:00 am & 1:00 pm
Dec 20 Minimal Day 8:00-11:30 am

We want EVERY CHILD to participate!
All projects and forms are due by Friday, January 10th.
The STEM fair will be held on Monday, January 13th.
Classes may come visit the fair from 1-2 p.m.
Parents are invited to the open-house style event from 2-2:30 p.m.
Students from kindergarten to sixth-grade are welcome to participate. Partner projects are also accepted. All students will receive a medal and other great prizes. The top twenty 5th and 6th grade projects have the opportunity to move onto the district fair.
Please click the link below for additional information.

Here are some general guidelines to help you decide when to keep kids home from school if they’re sick:

1. Fever • Keep home if they have a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher. They should stay home until they’re fever-free for 24 hours without medication.
2. Cough and Respiratory Symptoms • Keep home if they have a persistent, severe cough, or difficulty breathing.
3. Vomiting or Diarrhea • Keep home if they’ve vomited or had diarrhea within the last 24 hours. Wait until they’ve had no symptoms for 24 hours before sending them back.
4. Sore Throat • Keep home if they have a sore throat with other symptoms like fever, swollen glands, or headache.
5. Eye Infections (Pink Eye) • Keep home if they have red, itchy, or watery eyes with discharge. They can return to school once symptoms improve or after 24 hours of antibiotic treatment if prescribed.



12 de noviembre Reunión de la PTA 1:00 p. m.
18 de noviembre Recolección de alimentos
25 de noviembre – 19 de diciembre Árbol de la generosidad
27-29 de noviembre Vacaciones de Acción de Gracias
19 de diciembre Canto navideño 9:00 a. m. y 1:00 p. m.
20 de diciembre Día mínimo 8:00 a. m. – 11:30 a. m.

¡Queremos que TODOS LOS NIÑOS participen!
Todos los proyectos y formularios deben entregarse antes del viernes 10 de enero.
La feria STEM se llevará a cabo el lunes 13 de enero.
Las clases pueden visitar la feria de 1 a 2 p. m.Los padres están invitados al evento de puertas abiertas de 2 a 2:30 p. m.
Los estudiantes desde el jardín de infantes hasta el sexto grado son bienvenidos a participar. También se aceptan proyectos de socios. Todos los estudiantes recibirán una medalla y otros grandes premios. Los veinte mejores proyectos de quinto y sexto grado tienen la oportunidad de pasar a la feria del distrito.
Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para obtener información adicional.

A continuación, se incluyen algunas pautas generales para ayudarlo a decidir cuándo dejar a los niños en casa si están enfermos:

1. Fiebre • Quédese en casa si tiene fiebre de 100,4 °F (38 °C) o más. Debe quedarse en casa hasta que no tenga fiebre durante 24 horas sin medicación.
2. Tos y síntomas respiratorios • Quédese en casa si tiene tos persistente e intensa o dificultad para respirar.
3. Vómitos o diarrea • Quédese en casa si ha vomitado o ha tenido diarrea en las últimas 24 horas. Espere hasta que no haya tenido síntomas durante 24 horas antes de enviarlo de regreso.
4. Dolor de garganta • Quédese en casa si tiene dolor de garganta con otros síntomas como fiebre, glándulas inflamadas o dolor de cabeza.
5. Infecciones oculares (conjuntivitis) • Quédese en casa si tiene ojos rojos, con picazón o llorosos con secreción. Puede regresar a la escuela una vez que los síntomas mejoren o después de 24 horas de tratamiento con antibióticos si se lo recetaron.


November 1, 2024

By Weekly Newsletter

Upcoming events

Nov 18-22 Canned Food Drive

Nov 27-29 Thanksgiving Break

Nov 25-Dec 19 Giving Tree

We now have our Cascade food pantry up and running. If you have questions about what we have available or are wanting to participate please call the office and we can answer your questions.


Próximos eventos

18 al 22 de noviembre Colecta de alimentos enlatados

27 al 29 de noviembre Vacaciones de Acción de Gracias

25 de noviembre a 19 de diciembre Arbol Generoso

Ahora tenemos nuestra despensa de alimentos Cascade en funcionamiento. Si tiene preguntas sobre lo que tenemos disponible o desea participar, llame a la oficina y podemos responder sus preguntas.


March 25, 2024 SCC Meeting


3/25/2024 SCC Meeting
Attendance- Anna Greene, Alina Worthen, Tom Thorley, Mrs. Frost, Mr. Johnson

Review SCC Trustlands goals for 2023-2025
This year the reading scores are down overall compared to last year, but that is due to many factors (consolidation, mid-year scores, etc). ML population has quadrupled this year and many of them are newcomers.

Two goals- ML students and general population students. Proficiency and growth goals.

We have three aides who are strictly ML aides. They focus only on ML students. Several of the aides are also bilingual.

Next year we’ll be regular Title 1 and not Title 1 Target Assist. We are going to continue using the Target Assist data so that we can best help students.

SCC will pay one day of summer collaboration time for all teachers. The district will pay for two days.

$122k funding available for SCC.

Our Title 1 funding will go down significantly next year. Two more schools in Orem will become Title 1 schools. We will be down almost $200k in Title 1 funding for next year.

Vote unanimous in favor of the plan.

March 4, 2024 SCC Meeting


Mar 4, 2024
Will we qualify for Title I in 2024/2025?

  • Cut off is 40% federally,
    ■ Our District has
  • Our % came in at 41.5%, however, we haven’t received a clear confirmation one way or another.
    ■ We can expect a confirmation by the end of March
  • The state plans to add more schools to title I which will impact the amount of funding we receive for the 2024/2025 School year. This being the case, the
    amount of funds are currently unknown.

Primary plan proposal for the 2024/2025 Academic School year

  • $128,000 is the approximated funding from Trust Land Funding.
  • Continue on with 95% program and the 95% intervention groups
    ○ Approximately $30,000 to renew the license for next school year
  • Maintain the amount of aids moving forward (7).
    ○ $95,000
  • Fund teachers reps to attend a literacy conference
    ○ Approximately $5,000
  • There should be enough from the carry over from this school year to supplement
    the deficit.

District open house meeting for the SCC president and PTA President regarding the potential split of the district upcoming.

Next meeting April 1st, 2024 1pm

January 29, 2024 SCC Meeting


SCC Meeting

Safe Routes to School- Meeting with Orem City They’re working on getting funding from multiple sources. Looking to see if a signal is warranted at 200 N and 800 E. Substandard crosswalks- not wide. A possible cut-in lane to widen the drive thru area. There are bollards or delineators that are an option as well. We could create a parking district. We could add crossing guards. Paint over the bus pick up/drop off in the front.

Add crossing guard at 800 E and 200 N on the west side of the street. Add crossing guard on 400 E and 200 N. Looking at crossing guard on 800 E and 200 N, but a signal is coming in the near future.

We will be notified before our next SCC meeting.

DLI will be continuing. DLI is looking to make it so the students will go to China as part of the program.

Stakeholder report was handed out.

They may disband DCC. The SCC chairs would attend the cluster meetings and other meetings
that DCC has been attending.

October 30, 2023 SCC Meeting


Board Member Sara Hacken
Wants to make us aware of things from the District and School Board level. They are doing a study on all special programs- ALL, DLI, preschool, Autism, etc. The District team is preparing a study and will present information so they can receive input from the public. They will have a place on the District website for people to submit feedback. One issue is equity and access to programs. Question from DCC member- Is there a limit from the state on the number of DLI programs allowed? Sara Hacken will check into that. There is a reconfiguration study happening right now. The company is MGT from Florida. They will receive that in January. That will be put online with an opportunity for people to give feedback. They will wait until after the legislative session to make any kind of decision. They will then decide if it should be on the ballot for November 2024. They want a cost per community for us to maintain the programs we already have. They’re a very experienced company.

DCC Member Grace-
They were just trained on PLC’s (Professional Learning Community). The teams and collaboration help the teachers be better and help the students learn more.

Note from the district that we need to be very cautious about SPAM and hackers. Do not buy gift cards for anyone!

95% program.-
Email sent to Darrin from Reading Interventionist- They are teaching small group lessons to 68 students and 42 are ML. In addition, 28 students are working on fluency. The 4 kindergarten classes receive target lessons. In Sept and Oct they had 33 students advance in PSI and 8 advance out of interventions or into fluency help. They do push-in and push-out. Kindergarten does alphabet boot camp and they are also doing star trophies. The kids are retaining the information and maintaining their learning. As of Friday 9 have letter and sound fluency (not done testing them yet).

JoMarie Larsen- Coach- Presentation on Priorities

  1. School Wide Achievement
    1. Increase proficiency and growth in literacy. Increase the number of students k-6 who are proficient from BOY to EOY on the Acadience Reading Benchmark. We will increase the number of students making typical or better growth from BOY to EOY.
      1. We are at 64% proficiency. K- 45% 1- 64% 2- 76% 3- 62% 4- 62% 5- 57% 6- 80% (5th grade has the highest number of ML and newcomers)
  2. Focus Group Achievement (Ours in MLs. We have 140 MLs)
    1. Increase proficiency and growth in literacy. Increase the number of students k-6 who are proficient from BOY to EOY on the Acadience Reading Benchmark. We will increase the number of students making typical or better growth from BOY to EOY. (Comparing growth to national data to see if they increase similar to other students at the same level as them.)
      1. We are at 23% proficiency. For many ML students this is their first experience with English or even at a school. We have to build language and reading background. K- 0% 1- 35% 2- 43% 3- 24% 4- 17% 5- 5% 6-38% (5th grade has the highest number of ML and newcomers). The amount of newcomers impacts the proficiency. Some of these students are also not literate in their first language. Many of these families are also split apart.
      2. We have an ML coach and aides. Looking to hire more aides.
      3. Question- If you remove newcomers from the data does the level of proficiency improve over time (from grade to grade)? WIDA level 3 is a place where students tend to plateau because that moves from social language to academic language. K-3 focuses on learning to read and 4-6 focuses on reading to learn.

    How do we accomplish proficiency?
    Tier 1 instruction
    Language support
    Tier 2 & 3 instruction

  3. Connections Goal
    1. We will focus on climate, culture, and connections. Focus on habits of teaching responsibility, remaining on task, working towards achievement and showing respect. (Data is in process through the school counselor.)

Other items for future meeting- Additionally we will discuss briefly the next items on the schedule as well as upcoming deadlines as indicated by the SLT.

Next meeting is Nov 27th at 1:00pm.
We will discuss cyber security and safety and statistics.

October 16, 2023 SCC Meeting

By Uncategorized

Overview of SLT Spending plan from 2023-2024

  1. Teams will use summer collaboration to create common assessments that align to the Utah Core Standards, district essential standards and school priorities. $13,500
  2. Teachers will collaborate weekly on data gathered to focus on academic progress of all students and groups.
  3. Teachers will focus on explicit Tier 1 instruction using district and state approved materials along with research based practices.
  4. Trained aides to work directly with students using our 95% program. $50,000
  5. Teachers will be provided with professional development conferences. These include the UVU Engaging Readers National conference, the BYU CITES Conferences, and other conferences as they become available. $8,000
  6. Purchase Chromebooks to enhance the literacy goal. These will be used daily for Lexia
    reading, Spelling City, and online vocabulary enhancement. 20 x $329 $6,580
  7. A portion of a teacher’s salary that allows a teacher to provide extra time to collaborate as teams with the coach to support students in learning outcomes. $3,000
  8. Supplies and materials will be purchased that directly support reading enhancement throughout the school. $3,500. We are purchasing BOB decodable readers, Half pint Decodable readers, and Spire Decodable readers. These are research based.
  9. Purchase books and reading software to support the classrooms. $12,500
  10. Through the Teacher Student Success Act (TSSA), Cascade Elementary will have a half-time counselor working in our school to meet the social emotional needs of our students.

Total Spending Expectation: $89,880 of $97,000 as of October 15, 2023

Amendments made on October 15, 2023

Due to the reevaluation of Title 1 Status, new funds have been received and allocations of
alternative funds have been Proposed thusly:


Expendable Items – we are purchasing classroom libraries for our new teachers. $500 per teacher for 3 teachers. This is to provide access to literacy materials and supplies for students in these classrooms to directly support reading enhancement. Additionally,
decodable books will be purchased for students in grades K-1 to support reading in the home at a cost of $2,500. Salaries and Benefits – Remove the summer collaboration stipends ($13,500) due to this expenditure coming out of different accounts. Add in $30,000 for a certified teacher and/or certified aides to enhance academic achievement through working with students in areas of need. Books, Ebooks – Include purchase of literacy materials to support MLL’s in their language and reading acquisition; increase
this amount to $32,500

  • Voting members: 5
  • Votes cast:
  • Vote Result: