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October 28, 2022

By Weekly Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Below is the information on our Halloween Parade for Monday, October 31st. After the parade we will be taking class photos of with the kids in their costumes. If you have toddlers that are dressed up and would like a photo of them taken, please come to the school before lunch time and I will take their photo for you. We have a fun back drop set up and are ready for Monday.

Current and upcoming events:

Additional information is on the school website and our school Facebook page.

  • November 9 1:00 PM PTA meeting
  • November 10 Picture Retakes
  • November 14 Battle of the Books Team Meeting

October 21, 2022

By Weekly Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Colder weather will be hitting our state this weekend. Please have your kids dress accordingly on Monday. Every year we have kids that come to school when it is cold in shorts. They are uncomfortable when they play outside. On the other side are kids who leave thier coats outside at recess. If you are missing any coats or jackets please have your kids check our lost and found.

This month we are working on what it means to be Trustworthy. We are working with students to understand what this means on a daily basis.
Some discussion points are:

Keep your promises
Be Honest in all your deeds
Do what you say you will do
Don’t let others down with your actions or words
They are honest and dependable, and a good example to others

Another area we are working on this month is respecting others opinions. Please take a few minutes during the break to talk with your child about the importance of listening and respecting differing opinions. When we take time to listen to others we find that we have more in common than we realize. When we listen and respect others and their opinions we grow as a society and become much stronger along the way.

Thank you for your help and support of our Cascade community.

Darrin Johnson

Current and upcoming events. Additional information is on the attached fliers, the school website and our school Facebook page.

  • October 27th – Fall decorations donated to the school for Halloween photos.
  • October 28th – Reflections Awards assembly
  • October 31st – Halloween parade and class pictures will be taken. Specific times will be coming after Fall break.

October 12, 2022

By Weekly Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Fall Break has officially started. We hope that this short break is refreshing for all and that you are able to connect with family and friends in positive ways over the next few days. As you are traveling take a few minutes to talk with your kids about what is going well in school. A few suggestions to help with the travel time would be to play an alphabet game. This is a fun way for kids to recognize an pronounce the different letters of the alphabet, have your help with the navigation, include your child in reading the directions and plan out the routes for your travel. If you are camping kids can help with the math portion of making meals.

This month we are working on what it means to be Trustworthy. We are working with students to understand what this means on a daily basis.
Some discussion points are:
Keep your promises
Be Honest in all your deeds
Do what you say you will do Don’t let others down with your actions or words
They are honest and dependable, and a good example to others

Another area we are working on this month is respecting others opinions. Please take a few minutes during the break to talk with your child about the importance of listening and respecting differing opinions. When we take time to listen to others we find that we have more in common than we realize. When we listen and respect others and their opinions we grow as a society and become much stronger along the way.

Thank you for your help and support of our Cascade community.

Darrin Johnson

  • Current and upcoming events. Additional information is on the attached fliers, the school website and our school Facebook page.
    Handel’s Ice cream Night October 19th. Take the family for ice cream to Handel’s and mention Cascade Elementary. 20% of the proceeds will be given to the Cascade PTA.
  • October 27th Fall decorations donated to the school for Halloween photos. We are looking for pumpkins, fall flowers, and corn stalks. We will send out a sign-up genius on October 24.
  • October 31st Halloween parade and class pictures will be taken. Specific times will be coming after Fall break.

October 7, 2022

By Weekly Newsletter

 Dear Parents,

Thank you for donating to the clothing drive this month. The clothes were taken to Savers. Our community brought in 3,049 lbs of clothing.

Term 1 ends on October 12th. The grades will be officially posted by the district on the 21st of October.

Please take a few minutes to look at these and talk with your children. Celebrate the successes.

Our attendance this year is improving. Thank you for all you are doing to bring your kids to school each day and to support them in their education.

This month we are working on what it means to be Trustworthy. We are working with students to understand what this means on a daily basis.

Some discussion points are:
Keep your promises
Be Honest in all your deeds
Do what you say you will do 
Don’t let others down with your actions or words 
They are honest and dependable, and a good example to others
Thank you for your help and support of our Cascade community.

Darrin Johnson

Current and upcoming events. Additional information is on the attached fliers, the school website and our school face-book page.

  • Handel’s Ice cream Night October 19th. Take the family for ice cream to Handel’s and mention Cascade Elementary. 20% of the proceeds will be given to the Cascade PTA.
  • October 27th Fall decorations donated to the school for Halloween photos. We are looking for pumpkins, fall flowers, and corn stalks. We will send out a sign-up genius on October 24.
  • October 31st Halloween parade and class pictures will be taken. Specific times will be coming after Fall break.

September 30, 2022

By Weekly Newsletter

 Dear Parents,

On Tuesday, September 27th our annual Cougar Crawl Fundraiser event was held at Cascade. The turnout was fun to watch. Families had a great time making kites, playing yard games and eating JDawgs. At the end of the event a few kids were randomly drawn to spray paint Mr. Johnson’s and Mrs. Littlefield’s hair. The colors were pink and blue. Rumor has it that it took several washings of the hair to finally clean their heads. Mr. Johnson’s beard took a few days. Our goal this year was for $15,000. We were a little short of this goal. This coming week you can still donate on line or by coming to the office. This money will be used for PTA activities and for our school. 

Currently we are working on helping kids to understand proper behavior in the halls and as we line up and move as classes around the school. By teaching this we are helping our school to be a place that is more conducive to learning. Some of the main areas that we are working on are:

Walking quietly in line as a class when we move through the halls.

Keep hands and feet to yourself.

No running 

Keeping voices quiet in the halls so that we don’t disturb other classes during their learning time.

Please take a few minutes to talk with your kids about how good hallway behavior helps all of us show respect and helps our school be a safer place for all to learn. 

Thank you for your help and support of our Cascade community.

Darrin Johnson


Current and upcoming events. Additional information is on the attached fliers, the school website and our school Facebook page.

Reflections entry deadline is October 2nd. This is an online entry.

PTA clothing Fun drive ended on September 29th. These will be taken to Savers on Wednesday, October 5th. If you have old clothes that you want to still get rid of please bring them to the school by this Wednesday morning. 

September 16, 2022

By Weekly Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Thank you for all of your support during our parent teacher conferences. Educating our students is a team effort.

Starting on Monday, September 19th we are kicking off our annual Cougar Crawl Fundraiser. The goal this year is for $15,000. This money will be used for PTA activities and for our school.

Starting this year Orem Police will be visiting schools throughout the city with more frequency. The goal is to have students become familiar with them. They will be working with our teachers as well during this time. We are grateful that they are part of our community and are helping to make Orem a safer place to be.Today we spoke to the kids about helping to make the school a safer place this included the following.

  • No swearing
  • Not saying statements that put others down
  • Keeping hands and feet to yourself and showing respect to each other

Please take some time to talk with your kids about these showing respect to each other. Thank you for your help and sup-port of our Cascade community.

Darrin Johnson

Current and upcoming events. Additional information is on the school website and our school facebook page.

  • School Counselor Newsletter
  • Reflections entry deadline is October 2nd.
  • Currently our student council is asking for boxed cereal. All cereal donated will be given to the local food pantry. End on September 23rd.
  • PTA FunDrive. During the month of September bring your old clothes bagged up. These will be taken to Savers. Ends September 29th.
  • School picture day is September 22nd.
  • Envelopes for the Cougar Crawl Kickoff will be sent home on September 16th. The Cougar Crawl and Kite Festival will be held on the evening of September 27th.

Thank you for all you do to help our Cascade community,

Darrin Johnson

September 9, 2022

By Weekly Newsletter

Dear Parents,

This coming week is our first Parent Teacher Conference of the year. We appreciate each of you taking the time to work with your child’s teacher. Here are are few items that they may be talking to you about during the conferences.

  • Being Positive
  • Use conferences as a goal-setting opportunity
  • Go over expectations
  • Keep it simple
  • Reviewing with you contact information
  • Take notes of concerns
  • Share their grade level connection goals
  • Sharing with you how everyday attendance at school is a major factor in academic success

Our PTA is encouraging all parents to sign up for Amazon Smile. This is an app that you download for purchases that you make while using Amazon. This app allows you to designate a portion of your purchase to a charitable organization. Cascade PTA is on this list. All money generated from Amazon Smile will be used to fund teachers grants. The instructions to sign up are attached. Please take a moment to register for this. Also, if you are able to share the information on the app with friends and family. The cost of items you purchase stays the same, but a small percentage is donated to the school.

Current and upcoming events. Additional information is on the attached fliers, the school website and our school facebook page.

  • School Counselor Newsletter
  • Reflections entry deadline is October 2nd.
  • 18th annual Carnival and Vintage car show, Jamestown
  • Currently our student council is asking for boxed cereal. All cereal donated will be given to the local food pantry. End on September 23rd.
  • PTA FunDrive. During the month of September bring your old clothes bagged up. These will be taken to Savers. Ends September 29th.
  • Our Book Fair will be running during the week of Parent Teacher Conferences. Open Sept 12th-16th.
  • The PTA is currently taking orders for school shirts. Due on Sept 16th
  • School picture day is September 22nd.
  • Envelopes for the Cougar Crawl Kickoff will be sent home on September 16th. The Cougar Crawl and Kite Festival will be held on the evening of September 27th.

Thank you for all you do to help our Cascade community,

Darrin Johnson