Dear Parents,
This week we are doing our annual Penny Wars drive. All the money raised from this Student Council service project is given to those in need. Next week we will be doing our Food Drive for the Food Bank.
Current and upcoming events. Additional information is on the attached fliers, the school website and our school Facebook page.
- Dec 12: Chinese Dual Language Immersion Registration opens online
- Dec 12: Christmas Shirt/Ugly Sweater Day
- Dec 13: Santa Pics
- Dec 13: Wear Red/Green/White Day
- Dec 14: Whoville Dress-up Day
- Dec 15: Christmas Sing 8:30 am & 1 pm
- Dec 16: Minimal Day 8-11:30 am (No Kindergarten or Preschool)
- Dec 16: Sack lunch(Wowbutter Sandwiches) is available for $1.75 each
- Dec 16: Pajama Day
- Dec 19-Jan 2: Christmas Break
Santa photos are taken on Tuesday. If you have a toddler at home and would like their photo with Santa come on over to the school anytime before 12:30. Both Santa and Mrs. Claus will be here on this day. It is red, green and white day. If students wear these colors they will match the backdrop that has been prepared for the photo.
Our Christmas sing is on Thursday, December 15th at 8:30 am and 1:00 pm. This is a fun tradition for both the kids and our families.
Minimal day is Friday, December 16th. School lets out at 11:30 am. Lunch on this day is grab-n-go (Wowbutter sandwiches). The cost is $1.75.
Attached is information on our school play. Tryouts for 5th and 6th graders is on January 4th at 2:30 at the school
Attached is Stem Fair application Packets and information. For those doing projects in K-4th they are not judged and are display only. Our 5th and 6th grade projects will be judged with winners advancing to the district stem fair. Stem Fair Applications are due in the office by January 28th.