Current and upcoming events. Additional information is on the attached fliers, the school website and our school Facebook page.
- January 16th is Martin Luther King Day there is no school on this day
- January 17th Due Date for Science Fair Projects forms
- January 23 STEM Fair Student Display, Students will set up projects starting at 7:30 am.
- January 23-27 is Red Ribbon Week
Cascade Elementary Stem Fair
Elementary project forms must be submitted to the school by Monday, January 16, 2023. Cascade Elementary Stem fair projects will be displayed on Monday, January 23, 2023All students who wish may participate. K-4 will be on display only. Grades 5th and 6th will be judged and may be recommended for advancement.
Link to: Stem Fair application Packets and information.
If you or someone you know has a background in the sciences or engineering we would love to have your/their help judging Cascade’s STEM fair on Jan 23rd and/or Feb 15th. Please use the link below to sign up to be a judge. Thanks for your willingness to help make this possible for Cascade students!
Parent Teacher Conferences on February 8, 2023. In the next few days teachers will be sending out progress reports for your students. They will also be sending out sign up sheets for those parents who wish to discuss in further detail the progress of their students.
Current and upcoming events. Additional information is on the attached fliers, the school website and our school Facebook page.
- Fri, Jan 13th is a teacher work day. There will be no school on this day
- Mon, Jan 16th is Martin Luther King Day. There is no school on this day
- Jan 23-27 is Red Ribbon Week
Cascade Elementary Stem Fair
Elementary project forms must be submitted to the school by Monday, January 16, 2023.
Cascade Elementary Stem fair projects will be displayed on Monday, January 23, 2023
All students who wish may participate. K-4 will be on display only. Grades 5th and 6th will be judged and may be recommended for advancement.
Link to: Stem Fair application Packets and information.
If you or someone you know has a background in the sciences or engineering we would love to have your/their help judging Cascade’s STEM fair on Jan 23rd and/or Feb 15th. Please use the link below to sign up to be a judge. Thanks for your willingness to help make this possible for Cascade students!
Current and upcoming events. Additional information is on the attached fliers, the school website and our school Facebook page.
- Fri, Jan 13th is a teacher work day. There will be no school on this day
- Mon, Jan 16th is Martin Luther King Day. There is no school on this day
- Jan 23-27 is Red Ribbon Week
Cascade Beauty and the Beast Play Auditions:
Attached is information about our school play.
- 5th and 6th graders are invited to audition on Wednesday, January 4th, starting at 2:30pm at Cascade.
- Anyone who wants to be in the play must audition.
- Everyone who auditions and wants to participate will be cast in the play.
- Actors will be invited into a classroom with a small group of other actors to audition.
- We will offer a small number of private auditions to those who prefer auditioning without a small group present. NOTE: those choosing a private audition will not be considered for lead roles.
- You can reserve an audition time using this link: Audition Reservations
Cascade Elementary Stem Fair
Attached is Stem Fair application Packets and information. For those doing projects in K-4th they are not judged and are display only. Our 5th and 6th grade projects will be judged with winners advancing to the district stem fair. Stem Fair Applications are due in the office by January 28th.
If you or someone you know has a background in the sciences or engineering we would love to have your/their help judging Cascade’s STEM fair on Jan 23rd and/or Feb 15th. Please use the link below to sign up to be a judge. Thanks for your willingness to help make this possible for Cascade students!
Dear Parents,
This week we are doing our annual Penny Wars drive. All the money raised from this Student Council service project is given to those in need. Next week we will be doing our Food Drive for the Food Bank.
Current and upcoming events. Additional information is on the attached fliers, the school website and our school Facebook page.
- Dec 12: Chinese Dual Language Immersion Registration opens online
- Dec 12: Christmas Shirt/Ugly Sweater Day
- Dec 13: Santa Pics
- Dec 13: Wear Red/Green/White Day
- Dec 14: Whoville Dress-up Day
- Dec 15: Christmas Sing 8:30 am & 1 pm
- Dec 16: Minimal Day 8-11:30 am (No Kindergarten or Preschool)
- Dec 16: Sack lunch(Wowbutter Sandwiches) is available for $1.75 each
- Dec 16: Pajama Day
- Dec 19-Jan 2: Christmas Break
Santa photos are taken on Tuesday. If you have a toddler at home and would like their photo with Santa come on over to the school anytime before 12:30. Both Santa and Mrs. Claus will be here on this day. It is red, green and white day. If students wear these colors they will match the backdrop that has been prepared for the photo.
Our Christmas sing is on Thursday, December 15th at 8:30 am and 1:00 pm. This is a fun tradition for both the kids and our families.
Minimal day is Friday, December 16th. School lets out at 11:30 am. Lunch on this day is grab-n-go (Wowbutter sandwiches). The cost is $1.75.
Attached is information on our school play. Tryouts for 5th and 6th graders is on January 4th at 2:30 at the school
Attached is Stem Fair application Packets and information. For those doing projects in K-4th they are not judged and are display only. Our 5th and 6th grade projects will be judged with winners advancing to the district stem fair. Stem Fair Applications are due in the office by January 28th.
Dear Parents,
This week we are doing our annual Penny Wars drive. All the money raised from this Student Council service project is given to those in need. Next week we will be doing our Food Drive for the Food Bank.
Current and upcoming events. Additional information is on the attached fliers, the school website and our school Facebook page.
- Dec 5-9: Food Drive
- Dec 9: Christmas Socks Day
- Dec 12: Chinese Dual Language Immersion Registration opens online
- Dec 12: Christmas Shirt/Ugly Sweater Day
- Dec 13: Santa Pics
- Dec 13: Wear Red/Green/White Day
- Dec 14: Whoville Dress-up Day
- Dec 15: Christmas Sing 8:30 am & 1 pm
- Dec 16: Minimal Day 8-11:30 am (No Kindergarten or Preschool)
- Dec 16: Sack lunch(Wowbutter Sandwiches) is available for $1.75 each
- Dec 16: Pajama Day
- Dec 19-Jan 2: Christmas Break
Dear Parents,
We are asking for some help with our handicap parking spots. From an outside view it looks like they are empty most of the time, but due to the nature of these spots they serve an important function at our school. These spots are used each day to help parents who have children with handicaps gain easier access to our school building. These are not for regular school pick up and drop off. By keeping these spots available for our patrons with handicaps we are ensuring that these students have a safer experience when being picked up or dropped off at school.
STEM FAIR: This week we sent home information for our STEM FAIR. It is open for all Cascade students to participate in. Only 5th and 5th graders will be allowed to move on to the district and the state levels. Attached is additional information on what our STEM FAIR will be.
This month our theme is Being Proactive
Doing the right thing without being asked, even when no one is looking
- I am control of myself
- I take the initiative
- I am prepared
- I choose my attitude, actions and moods.
Current and upcoming events. Additional information is on the attached fliers, the school website and our school Facebook page.
- November 29th – December 2nd Penny Wars
- December 5th – 9th Canned Food Drive
- December 13th – Santa Claus photos
- December 15th – Christmas Sing for Parents 8:30 am and 1:00 pm
- December 16th – Minimal Day
Dear Parents,
This week we experienced our first significant snowfall of the year. The snow is fun to play in, but we have noticed that several students have are not choosing to dress warm. In addition we have several students who do dress warmly, but as soon as they get outside they take their coats off and forget them outside. If your child is missing a coat please have them check our lost and found. There is a good chance that it is there. We love to watch how creative the kids get as they play in the snow. They love to build forts and roll large snowmen. These are all fun activities for the kids to participate in. In order to help keep our kids safe we do not allow the throwing of snowballs on school property.
With our weather changing. Please be extra mind full of our pickup and drop-off zones. A few practices for each of us to follow that will make our school a safer place are:
- Pull forward as others leave
- Always use the crosswalks to cross to the parking lot
- Never wave your child across the pickup zone
- Stay off the cell phone in our pickup zone
- Be courteous of others
- Be on time for pick up. If you are late please call the school so that your child doesn’t worry.
As a convenience we have a bike and scooter rack at the back of the school. If your child is bringing their bike or scooter to school remind them to take the time to lock them up. This prevents the item from disappearing.
This month our theme is being Proactive
- Doing the right thing without being asked, even when no one is looking
- I am control of myself
- I take the initiative
- I am prepared
- I choose my attitude, actions and moods.
Current and upcoming events. Additional information is on the attached fliers, the school website and our school Facebook page.
- November 9 – 1:00 PM PTA meeting
- November 10 – Picture Retakes
- November 14 – Battle of the Books Team Meeting
Dear Parents,
Below is the information on our Halloween Parade for Monday, October 31st. After the parade we will be taking class photos of with the kids in their costumes. If you have toddlers that are dressed up and would like a photo of them taken, please come to the school before lunch time and I will take their photo for you. We have a fun back drop set up and are ready for Monday.
Current and upcoming events:
Additional information is on the school website and our school Facebook page.
- November 9 1:00 PM PTA meeting
- November 10 Picture Retakes
- November 14 Battle of the Books Team Meeting
Dear Parents,
Colder weather will be hitting our state this weekend. Please have your kids dress accordingly on Monday. Every year we have kids that come to school when it is cold in shorts. They are uncomfortable when they play outside. On the other side are kids who leave thier coats outside at recess. If you are missing any coats or jackets please have your kids check our lost and found.
This month we are working on what it means to be Trustworthy. We are working with students to understand what this means on a daily basis.
Some discussion points are:
Keep your promises
Be Honest in all your deeds
Do what you say you will do
Don’t let others down with your actions or words
They are honest and dependable, and a good example to others
Another area we are working on this month is respecting others opinions. Please take a few minutes during the break to talk with your child about the importance of listening and respecting differing opinions. When we take time to listen to others we find that we have more in common than we realize. When we listen and respect others and their opinions we grow as a society and become much stronger along the way.
Thank you for your help and support of our Cascade community.
Darrin Johnson
Current and upcoming events. Additional information is on the attached fliers, the school website and our school Facebook page.
- October 27th – Fall decorations donated to the school for Halloween photos.
- October 28th – Reflections Awards assembly
- October 31st – Halloween parade and class pictures will be taken. Specific times will be coming after Fall break.
Dear Parents,
Fall Break has officially started. We hope that this short break is refreshing for all and that you are able to connect with family and friends in positive ways over the next few days. As you are traveling take a few minutes to talk with your kids about what is going well in school. A few suggestions to help with the travel time would be to play an alphabet game. This is a fun way for kids to recognize an pronounce the different letters of the alphabet, have your help with the navigation, include your child in reading the directions and plan out the routes for your travel. If you are camping kids can help with the math portion of making meals.
This month we are working on what it means to be Trustworthy. We are working with students to understand what this means on a daily basis.
Some discussion points are:
Keep your promises
Be Honest in all your deeds
Do what you say you will do Don’t let others down with your actions or words
They are honest and dependable, and a good example to others
Another area we are working on this month is respecting others opinions. Please take a few minutes during the break to talk with your child about the importance of listening and respecting differing opinions. When we take time to listen to others we find that we have more in common than we realize. When we listen and respect others and their opinions we grow as a society and become much stronger along the way.
Thank you for your help and support of our Cascade community.
Darrin Johnson
- Current and upcoming events. Additional information is on the attached fliers, the school website and our school Facebook page.
Handel’s Ice cream Night October 19th. Take the family for ice cream to Handel’s and mention Cascade Elementary. 20% of the proceeds will be given to the Cascade PTA. - October 27th Fall decorations donated to the school for Halloween photos. We are looking for pumpkins, fall flowers, and corn stalks. We will send out a sign-up genius on October 24.
- October 31st Halloween parade and class pictures will be taken. Specific times will be coming after Fall break.